First of all, "stealing" someone else's product is not stealing the work of thousands of people. Those people got paid to build the game, not to sell it. When you buy the game, no money goes to those who designed it, similarly when you pirate something, you're not taking anything away from them.
Secondly, it gets pretty hard to defend the companies behind those anti-piracy policies, because what they defend is not reasonable at all. If you lend your CD to a friend, you're breaking the law. If you play your CD on the car stereo for someone who hasn't acquired it yet, you are breaking the law. If you rip it so your friend who lives in the Himalayas can listen to a song/play a game, you are breaking the law.
Here's what I believe might come off Williams' hunt for a new title sponsor next year. Following are a 1024 and 2048px versions along with promotional half arsed 3d render.
If you hold a match to diesel, it will evaporate and its vapor will ignite from a spark at roughly 50ºC. If you keep the match lit and there's no spark, it will then start burning by itself at 60ºC. If, instead of holding a match directly to it, you hold it close to it long enough for the room temperature to reach 210ºC (or compress the air like you said), then it will ignite spontaneously at that temperature.
That's the point. A faulty equipment leading to a possible spark wouldn't be able to heat up Diesel long enough for it to reach it's firepoint if it wasn't for the fact that diesel engines ignite the fuel by air compression (which rises the temperature to autoignition levels, which are much higher than flashpoint temperatures), not spark-plugs.
Outside of engines, however, you're unlikely to see diesel igniting from flash-fires because it does have a much higher firepoint than gasoline, as you cannot compress the atmosphere to the necessary point. You can even flick a lighter next to it that it won't ignite immediately,
It's a pun on how some drivers might be distracted by the 'beautiful bottoms' of other cars and attempt to surprise buttsex them instead of overtaking. Bottom being an English term for one's ass.
I can't see people dancing to it in clubs nowadays, but the basics are all there. Obviously you know how to play with the program, now all you need is to stick to one genre and find some clever sounds!